My name is Jahmell but JD is easier for most...I took integrative nutrition at a Canadian college, to obtain my diploma and become a holistic nutritionist and nutritional counselor. I've been sharing free, truthful info about health for over 5 years - first on my blog (shut down), and then on social media (current). Before attending college for nutrition, I was an electronics technician with my own physical store in Canada, where I worked with: consumer electronics, Linux coding such as setting up cloud servers and programming remote software.
I got started on this journey after developing health issues, including insomnia and severe depression, after being strict vegan for nearly 10 years, which is what pushed me to attend college and learn more about the power of nutrition. (continued below)
I began applying what I was learning in college to my own health issues...I began digging to the root cause with lab tests: from heavy metal testing, to GI effects (stool) tests, food sensitivity testing, etc...I dumped thousands of dollars to uncover the root cause of my health issues. Eventually I found out I was beyond gut health was horrible, I was sensitive to a bunch of foods, I had heavy metal toxicity and much more. I began to address these issues with the power of holistic nutrition!...But the depression was debilitating...still my energy was low, my sleep was horrible, my mood was a roller coaster and I honestly looked horrible.
As a research addict, and avid book reader...during college I began researching more into nutrigenetics and the relationship (interplay) between our genes and diet. Addressing my methylation helped me to have more energy, sleep better and began to pull me out of my depression! But as soon as life threw me a curve ball I gave into depression again..."What am I missing ?" i kept asking myself...
So I kept investigating, and stumbled upon research by Dr. Paul and Mr. Greenlaw. The study results on their protocol (HALO Protocol) were incredible! So I cautiously gave it a try...after 1 month I couldn't believe the results with my own health! I felt better than I had in the last 15+ years: ! My depression GONE, my mood was consistently above average, my sleep was better, I got abbs, my face slimmed down and honestly I looked like a completely different person. I had finally found the key!
Shortly after remedying my own health issues...a close family member revealed to me they had dangerously high blood pressure...I really cared about her... so I tried a bunch of stuff to help her lower her blood pressure...While those things helped to lower her blood pressure in the short term, it wasn't addressing the root cause, and results weren't long lasting...
I put her on the HALO protocol "what do I got to lose" I thought to myself. She lost over 15+ lbs; her first weight-loss in over 25+ years, and her blood pressure dropped 20+ points to much healthier levels! I was now officially a believer of the protocol.
After half a year of being on the protocol myself...I've now successfully used the HALO protocol to help over 3 dozen clients transform their bodies and health: lose weight, beat their depression, get back their health and with that newfound live a quality of life that they didn't think was still possible!
I don't share the HALO protocol because I think it's pretty good...I share it because I've seen it transform lives completely...I've seen a 90 year old women get off her walker, a girl with chronic pain wake up no longer in severe pain for the first time in decades. I've seen people beat their depression (like I did), recover from injuries with lightning speed, improve their insulin resistance, and so many more incredible health transformations...I couldn't possibly list them all.
I share the HALO protocol, because that is Gods mission for me...even if my social media videos don't have a lot of viewers. Even if people think I'm only driven by profit, when nothing is further from the truth. Even if people are cynical because nothing else has worked for them, or have a million excuses as to why they can't or won't take the steps they should to improve their health...regardless, I have the moral obligation to share the HALO Protocol, because I know can help others.
World renowned nutritional scientist (protocol researcher) for over 38 years. Developed PP method.
4-time bestselling author and TV personality - discovered TDOS syndrome
Protocol founder and senior team member - ran BANNED diabetes Facebook group 17k+ members, using our detox protocol w/ incredible results
World renowned microbiologist and oncologist - developed the incubation process used for our Protein Pulse Method and Bravo sometimes added to the protocol
Team member and protocol coach